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All About Meem

Born and raised in Upstate NY with beautiful trees in the fall and gorgeous summers. I grew up in a small town with a family of strong females who are never afraid to voice their opinions & always encouraged me to strive for my best.  End of 2008, I found myself looking for more personal growth and experience. I packed my things and within a month's time, moved to Maryland.

 I currently live in rural Baltimore County with my husband, step daughter, and little "zoo". I'm an avid animal lover and we now own a dog, 11 ducks, 1 hedgehog, 1 hamster, 2 rats, and 1 horse (so far). When I'm not at home fishing dog hair out of resin, I'm either at work or the barn (introvert by nature). I'm a trained Paramedic who unfortunately has suffered an injury that prevents me from working back in the field on a medic unit so I assist those units through Dispatch.

So lemonade out of lemons, I spend my free time working on new works of art & perfecting my resin application. In the future I plan to bring more wood & resin projects (like my catch-all) and eventually work on resin tables. So join me on my journey & take a look at my shop to see what calls to your heart.

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